
"Pray for one another, that you may be healed" James 5:16

Prayer Request

Praying for one another is an important part of the Christian life. We believe, in "the communion of the saints", meaning we, all our family, the whole church through out the ages, in heaven, in purgatory, and on the earth, we are one Body in Christ. We take care of each other as we would take care of ourselves. "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31) So as we would ask the saints to intercede for us, so are we, to intercede for others. There are many people in need of prayers.This is the place to request prayers and to pray for others who have made the request.

The Requests. Please pray for them. 

Please Pray for me David, a humble servant of the Lord, that I may faithfully follow him and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.